All Classes and Interfaces

Appium-specific element describer.
Human-readable alias for page object field Applicable only for elements initialized by SelenidePageFactory.
Assertion modes available
Authentication schemes.
A unique folder per browser.
Annotate your test class with @Listeners({ BrowserPerClass.class})
Annotate your test class with @Listeners({ BrowserPerTest.class})
By using this extension browser will be automatically closed after each test.
Constants for all browsers supported by Selenide out of the box
JUnit extension to automatically close browser after all tests.
Clean the input field value.
Clean the input field value.
Conditions to match web elements: checks for visibility, text etc.
Implements wait for non WebElement based conditions.
Configuration settings for Selenide default browser
This class is designed so that every setting can be set either via system property or programmatically.
Marker interface for declaring page objects fields that contain other elements
Assert that element contains "value" attribute with date value that is satisfied to the provided `options`
Assert that element contains "value" attribute with datetime value that is satisfied to the provided `options`
Sort all downloaded files by "likeness" to be the right download.
Created by Serhii Bryt 30.04.2024 12:56
Read file content from classpath The point is in lazy loading: the content is loaded only on the first usage, and only once.
Almost the same as Command, but returns SelenideElement (non-nullable!).
Subclass of `By` to find the element currently being focused
A slightly fixed implementation of ExpectedConditions.frameToBeAvailableAndSwitchToIt(org.openqa.selenium.By)
Implementation of Photographer which can take full-size screenshots.
A temporary workaround to override default timeouts of NettyClient used in Selenium.
A `Driver` implementation which opens browser on demand (on a first call).
Events, created on Selenide actions like "navigate to url", "click on element", "check a condition"

An event contains a string representation of the element, the subject and its status.
An implementations of this interface can be registered by SelenideLogger#addListener
It will be notified on each event emitted by Selenide
Selenide proxy filter allowing to mock any response
This annotation is used for indicating that the test will not be recorded.
An operating system on which the browser is being executed.
We assume this API will change in next releases.
Holds the recorded videos per thread.
Annotate your test class with @Listeners({ ScreenShooter.class})
Use this class to automatically take screenshots in case of ANY errors in tests (not only Selenide errors).
The main starting point of Selenide.
The main starting point of Selenide-Appium.
"Selenide driver" is a container for WebDriver + proxy server + settings
Logs Selenide test steps and notifies all registered LogEventListener about it
Factory class to make using Page Objects simpler and easier.
Selenide own proxy server to intercept server responses
Interface for creating custom SelenideProxyServer in your tests
A simple text report of Selenide actions performed during test run.
Rule for assert selenide verification softly.
Annotate your test class with @Listeners({ SoftAsserts.class})
By using this extension selenide will collect all failed asserts from "should*" methods and throw after test finished.
Reports for all method of annotated class in the suite.
Annotation to mark test methods that needs a video recording.
Inspired by Video Recorder from Sergey Pirogov
Created by Serhii Bryt 07.05.2024 11:57
Created by Serhii Bryt 07.05.2024 11:57
Created by Serhii Bryt 07.05.2024 11:57
An instance of webdriver with its resources: config, proxy and downloads folder.
Interface for using custom WebDriver in your tests.
A static facade for accessing WebDriver instance for current threads
A `Driver` implementation which uses given webdriver [and proxy].
Thanks to