Happy New Year!
Damn 2024 is finally over, time to take stock of the year.
This year we have released 18 versions (from 7.0.5 to 7.6.1) and implemented several important features:
- Video recorder
- Downloading files from Selenium Grid
- New way to download files via CDP - and also for Grid and Selenoid
- Open browser with a new configuration
- Finally, abused Selenide ¯¯(ツ)/¯¯
These guys have been working tirelessly all year and putting presents under the tree. This job is extremely important for the project, despite the fact that their names are often not even visible in press releases, because many of these changes are internal or too technical. Sometimes they don’t even get merged at all.
But it is on them that Selenide rests!
Serhii Bryt
Boris Osipov
- Animated Condition
- Run appium test on Browserstack
- Fix deprecated github actions
- Code review for PR 2801
- Code review for PR 2567
- Code review for PR 2768
Petro Ovcharenko
- Fix remote Appium browser
- add method
WebDriverRunner. setDriver
- fix before/after events order
- Fix CDP download for custom browsers
- Fix problem with AppiumPageFactory
- fix double click with appium
Yaraslau Lazakovich
Aliaksandr Rasolka
Daniil Moiseev
Erik Jõgi & Vlad Ogorodnik:
Amuthan Sakthivel:
- Talk Mutated Java Appium Client - Selenide Appium at AppiumConf 2024
Reviewing pull requests, criticizing changes, describing bugs - this is a lot of work, actually!
This work is invisible, but important.
Thanks to all of you!
A significant event for Selenide is the appearance of the Playwrightium.
Playwright is currently on hype, we must admit. And people now have the opportunity to continue using Selenide, and change the implementation under the hood: on even days Selenium, on odd Playwright - as the devil takes them. :)
And again, thanks to Sergey Brit for Playwrightium!
- This year, an important event happened for me: at the SeleniumConf conference, a report was given titled “How to migrate from Selenium to Selenide”. Imagine what a turn it is! :)
- And what’s also great is that at another automation conference LambdaTest I talked about Selenide
Unfortunately, I manage to give presentations in English much less often than in Russian, so these two are an achievement. Selenide’s audience is growing all over the world. :)
By the way, this year we found videos about Selenide in Spanish and also in Turkish!
This year I got around to adding a little to the list of companies using Selenide.
It was surprising that there is more companies from America,
Europe and
other word than I assumed!
The monthly number of downloads has broken a new record, rising from 877K last January to 1.3 million in October.

Happy New Year to you, and may no orcs cross your path!