Quick Start

Quick Start

It's extremely easy to start using Selenide. Definitely not a rocket science.

Just add selenide.jar (and its dependencies) to your project and you are done.
Here is the quick start guide to get you started.

How to write UI test in 10 minutes

For Maven users:

Add these lines to file pom.xml:


For Gradle users:

Add these lines to file build.gradle:

dependencies {
  testImplementation 'com.codeborne:selenide:7.7.3'

Start writing test

So easy! No more boring routines, we can start.

Import required classes:

import static com.codeborne.selenide.Selenide.*;
import static com.codeborne.selenide.Condition.*;

and write test:

public void userCanLoginByUsername() {
  $(".loading_progress").should(disappear); // Waits until element disappears
  $("#username").shouldHave(text("Hello, Johny!")); // Waits until element gets text


You can choose any testing framework you prefer: JUnit, TestNG, Cucumber, ScalaTest, JBehave - whatever.

Run as a usual tests. You can run from IDE, or as an ANT script, or “mvn test”. You don’t need to change anything in your process.

Do you want to see a working example?

We created Selenide examples group on github with examples of using Selenide:


Share your examples!

If you have any examples of Selenide usage, feel free to share them with us!

Video tutorial

How to start writing UI tests in 10 minutes from Selenide on Vimeo.

Selenide tutorial