First of all, please think twice: probably you don’t need any specific reports.
Both Gradle and Maven already generate good enough test report which includes all the errors.
When a test fails, Selenide already generates a detailed error message
(including screenshot and html of a page).
Typically, it’s enough to understand why the test failed:
Element should be hidden {#gameWin}
Element: '<img class="gameOver" id="gameWin" src="img/thumbs-up.jpeg"></img>'
Screenshot: file:/.../hangman/build/reports/tests/1510751914648.0.png
Page source: file:/.../hangman/build/reports/tests/1510751914648.0.html
Timeout: 4 s.
If you still want to get reports, we can suggest two options: “Text report” and “Allure report”.
It’s a simple report built in Selenide which shows all steps that were performed during the test:
|Element |Subject |Status |ms. |
|open |http://localhost:2070/ |PASSED |4669 |
|open |http://localhost:2070/fakeLogin?username=bob |PASSED |1324 |
|By.linkText: Quicky |click() |PASSED |793 |
|#btn-message-reply |click() |PASSED |1002 |
| message.text |should be(focused) |PASSED |57 |
| message.text |should have(text 'long thread') |PASSED |47 |
| message.text |set value(Hello world!) |PASSED |69 |
|#send-button |click() |PASSED |1051 |
|.alert-success |should be(visible) |PASSED |71 |
It looks simple, but contains all the needed information.
To enable such a report, you need to
import com.codeborne.selenide.junit5.TextReportExtension;
public class MyTest {
// ...
import com.codeborne.selenide.junit.TextReport;
public class MyTest {
public TextReport textReport = new TextReport();
// ...
import com.codeborne.selenide.testng.TextReport;
@Listeners({ TextReport.class})
public class MyTest {
// ...
QA engineers often want to generate “beautiful” reports. It’s for managers, they say.
I am rather skeptical about those reports. I think managers don’t really read those reports. Think twice before you
spend your time on “beautifying” reports.
If you still insist, you can setup Allure. It’s a popular open-source reporting library from Qameta Software company.
It has built-in integration with Selenide. And yes, its reports look really nice. :)
You will need to
(or higher) to your project. @BeforeAll
static void setupAllureReports() {
SelenideLogger.addListener("AllureSelenide", new AllureSelenide());
// or for fine-tuning:
SelenideLogger.addListener("AllureSelenide", new AllureSelenide()
See a sample project Selenide+Allure
NB! Method SelenideLogger.addListener
should be called in the same thread as test itself.
Some test frameworks might call @BeforeAll
and @Test
methods in different thread - in this case your listener will not get events from the test.
In such cases you probably need to move the abovementioned initialization block to @Before
or even @Test
P.S. But please, PLEASE don’t take BDD for nice reports! BDD is not intended for reports. BDD is a development process. BDD will only create more problems for you if you only apply it technically, without changing the process.