Released Selenide 6.19.1

Released Selenide 6.19.1

at last

Good morning!

The world is frozen in anticipation, big changes are coming! Selenide 7.0.0 will be coming soon with an update to Java 11.

The era of Java8 lambda cuckolds is passing

At last, we released the last version that can run on Java 8:

Selenide 6.19.1

Mostly there are dependency updates, primarily Appium 8.6.0:

  • bump Appium from 8.5.1 to 8.6.0 (#2494)
  • Bump BrowserUpProxy (#2510)
  • Bump Netty from 4.1.98.Final to 4.1.100.Final (#2484) (#2498)
  • Bump LittleProxy from 2.0.21 to 2.0.22 (#2491)
  • Bump Guava from 32.1.2-jre to 32.1.3-jre (#2499)
  • Bump Jackson from 2.15.2 to 2.15.3 (#2502) (#2503)
  • Bump commons-io from 2.13.0 to 2.14.0 (#2486)

Andrei Solntsev
