Selenide puzzler

Selenide puzzler

Logical AND or OR?

Good night!

Do you love puzzlers? Did you miss puzzlers?

We recently published a new puzzler in Twitter:

Do these lines work equally? Or is there some difference?

1. $(".btn").shouldBe(visible, enabled);
2. $(".btn").shouldBe(visible).shouldBe(enabled);

Answer options

You gave us many answers:

  • both lines work equally (the most popular answer)
  • the first case is “logical or”, and the second is “logical and”
  • the second runs %timeout% seconds longer
  • the first runs with one timeout, the second run with two timeouts
  • the first fails if one of conditions is false, the second fails if the element is not visible, but is enabled.

Correct answer

In most cases both variants work equally.

Both variants is “logical AND”. In both cases Selenide will check that the element matches both conditions.

  enabled disabled
visible ok nok
invisible nok nok

But there is a nuance.

The nuance

The difference will appear if the element meets the conditions not immediately, but after some time. Moreover, the first condition should be met in less than 4 seconds, and the second - in more than 4 seconds. (Say, it gets visible after 3.5 seconds, and enabled - after more 3.5 seconds).

The thing is that the method shouldHave has the timeout (by default 4 seconds), while conditions (visible, enabled, cssClass, text) don’t have any timeouts - they can just check “matches” or “doesn’t match”.


For example, let’s open Traffic light. The light gets green after 3.5 seconds, and after next 3.5 seconds a text “Go!” appears on it.

The first variant checks if the light gets both color and text during 4 seconds:

  $("#light").shouldHave(cssClass("green"), text("GO!")); // timeout 4 seconds

This variant fails because the light doesn’t get both color and text in 4 seconds (it gets the text “Go” after 7 seconds).

The second variant will not fail:

  .shouldHave(cssClass("green")) // timeout 4 seconds
  .shouldHave(text("GO!")); // another timeout 4 seconds

The first shouldHave waits until the element gets green (and it gets during 4 seconds). Then the second shouldHave gets started which waits until the element gets text “Go!” (and it gets it during next 4 seconds).

Apparently, the closest answer was “the first runs with one timeout, the second run with two timeouts”.

Your puzzlers?

Do you have your own puzzlers? Share with us! Send us! Send’em all! Let’s guess them together!

Andrei Solntsev
