Released Selenide 4.3

Released Selenide 4.3

Let's upgrade!

Hi all!

Good news: we released Selenide 4.3

Fix method $$().find()

More exactly, it always could find elements correctly, but it gave a misleading error message in case element could not be found.

Now it’s fixes and gives correct error message.

See. pull request 426

Thanks to Julia Iluhina for the fix!

Fixed page object fields SelenideElement without @FindBy annotation

Surprisingly, we found that Selenide could behave unexpectedly when you tried to use it unexpectedly. :)

Let’s assume that you have a page object with field of type SelenideElement (without @FindBy annotation):

class StartPage{
  SelenideElement startPage = $("#start-page");

This class is beautiful. It’s very simple and clean. It works out of the box without any fabrics and other utilities. You just need to create it: StartPage page = new StartPage(); - and it works. This is just idea page object that is only possible in Selenide universe.

But sometimes people still try to initialize it with page or some other factory methods, like this:

  StartPage page = page(StartPage.class);

and here problems come… See pull request 443

But now it’s fixed. Thanks to Sergei Pirogov for the fix!

Aligned system property names with Configuration fields

As you probably know, all Selenide settings can be set in two ways: either via system property or directly in code. But we found that some of them had different names. It was somewhat misleading.

Now we aligned system properties names with Configuration fields. e.g. Configuration.someProp always has system property equivalent selenide.someProp

Old names still supported for backward compatibility.

Deprecated method Selenide.selectRadio

In Selenide, it was possible to select a radiobutton this way: selectRadio("me"), "cat"); Now we marked this method as @Deprecated. You can use a “standard” Selenide method instead:


Created constant link to latest javadoc

Now the latest javadoc is always available at this link:

Upgraded dependencies

  • upgraded to browsermob-core:2.1.4
  • upgraded to org.apache.httpcomponents:httpcore:4.4.6
  • upgraded to guava:21.0


Let’s upgrade!

Andrei Solntsev
