Released Selenide 4.8

Released Selenide 4.8

Backward incompatible changes in Selenium

Good evening!

We released Selenide 4.8. It’s mainly a Selenium upgrade.

Upgraded to selenium 3.6

This version contains some backward incompatible changes, that’s why we decided to make a separate release.

Thanks to Ostap Oleksyn for pull request 611.

By the way, we also upgraded to guava 23.0 and org.apache.httpcomponents:httpcore:4.4.7.

Fix an error with soft asserts

Thanks to Ostap Oleksyn for fixing issue 614

That’s it. This time the upgrade should be easy.

Friendly reminder

Welcome to the Heisenbug conference in Moscow - 8-9.12.2017

I will present 2 talks on it:

Welcome to Russia!

Andrei Solntsev
