Selenide 4.2.1 released

Selenide 4.2.1 released

Capabilities & ChromeOption & FirefoxProfile


This is a bugfix and enhancements release following β€œ4.2(Browsers)”

Fixed usage of boolean/integer capabilities as command line system properties.

Since this release capabilities values are automatically converted to boolean/integer if transferred in SystemProperties, so for example the following parameters will be working fine


Firefox: support for FirefoxProfile preferences over command line

Good news for users who need to transfer FirefoxProfile preferences to the WebDriver. firefoxprofile.* are now automatically processed by Selenide and transferred to Firefox and Marionette drivers.



Consult the list of available profile preferences with actual Firefox documentation.

Chrome: support for ChromeOptions arguments over command line

Also chrome users benefit. ChromeOptions arguments are now applicable without need to extend classes. chromeoptions.args=<comma-separated-args> are automatically processed by Selenide and transferred to Chrome driver. Multiple arguments are separated by comma. At the same time Configuration.chromeSwitches and -Dselenide.chromeSwitches are deprecated as they only allowed a single argument.



Consult the list of available arguments with actual Chrome documentation.

Best automation with 4.2.1!

Alexei Vinogradov & Selenide Community
