We released Selenide 3.10!
Proxy server is disabled by default
It’s I am sad to say this, but it seems that the experiment with a proxy server has not yet succeeded.
There is a problem with the “new way” of downloading files using Selenide built-in proxy server. It works for all my projects, but some folks reported that it doesn’t work for them. I still don’t know exactly the problem and its causes. Probably those who use Selenium Grid experience this problem.
Anyway, now we reverted default downloading mechanism to HTTPGET
If you need to use proxy server, enable it via system property:
Or directly in your code:
Configuration.fileDownload = PROXY;
By the way, we fixed issue 393:
Selenide will not even try to run proxy server until fileDownload=PROXY
is set.
Added support for multiple selects
There are dropdown lists that allowing selecting multiple options (<select multiple>
Now it’s easy to select multiple options in Selenide with just one command:
select.selectOption("Margarita", "Theodor Woland"); // by test
select.selectOption(0, 2, 3); // by index
select.selectOptionByValue("cat", "woland"); // by value
We also added a method for getting all selected options:
select.getSelectedOptions().shouldHave(texts("Margarita", "Theodor Woland"));
See issue 400
Now you can print report only for failed tests
As you probably know, in Selenide you can print report of all executed steps .
Now you can configure if it should be printed only for failed tests. Or only for succeeded tests. Or always.
For JUnit:
public TestRule report = new TextReport().onFailedTest(true).onSucceededTest(false);
For TestNG:
public class GoogleTestNGTest {
public void setUp() {
TextReport.onSucceededTest = false;
TextReport.onFailedTest = true;
See. issue 408
Fixed bug with parsing http header Content-Disposition
containing encoding
Now Selenide uses correct file name even if header Content-Disposition
contains encoding:
Content-Disposition: filename=Prices.csv;charset=UTF-8
See. issue 398
Fixed bug 401: “Selenide swallows exception in some cases”
Never ever write catch (Throwable)
. Never!
See. issue 401
Method open(url)
now works for URL in upper case
It’s weird, but sometimes people want to enter url in upper case. And they found that Selenide could not open such urls. Ups.
Now we fixed it: issue 407
Uncommented one old test
See. issue 379
- Test mobile? Now it’s easy! Examples of Selenide+Appium
Yes, you can use Selenide for testing mobile applications!
Let’s upgrade!