Released Selenide 3.3

Released Selenide 3.3

asynchronous collections

Good evening!

We released Selenide 3.3 with support for collections.

Ajax support for collections

Now collection methods $$ can wait until collection elements get loaded. It can be useful for collections that are loaded asynchronously with Ajax.

See. issue #277

Added separate timeout for collections

We added two configuration parameters:

  • collectionsTimeout (default value 6 seconds)
  • collectionsPollingInterval (default value 0.2 seconds)

Typically collections are loaded longer than single elements (they contain more than one element). That’s why they need longer timeout.

Upgraded to selenium-java 2.51.0

See selenium 2.51.0 changelog.


Let’s communicate!

Now we have new possibilities to discuss new features and old problems of Selenide. You are welcome!

And what’s up with you?

Andrei Solntsev
